You can keep up with the TARGET data theft at: you can read the 15 pages of the Wredberg v. Target Corporation, Case Number: 3:2013cv05901 and also the article: "The Incredibly Clever Way Thieves Stole 40 Million Credit Cards From 2,000 Target Stores In A 'Black Friday' Sting".
This is just one of nearly a dozen Target sites, to go to the main site use:
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Target is at #6 in the below list. Something not a surprise to workers at Tarbutt.
466 Hours of Worker Overtime Equals One Hour of CEO Pay
466 Hours of Worker Overtime Equals One Hour of CEO Pay
by Dana Lime on December 6, 2013
Workers with retail jobs might not be celebrating much this holiday season, given recent strikes against Walmart and McDonald’s over low pay and working conditions. Growing discontent over perceived pay inequality in the retail and fast-food sectors has prompted President Obama to support the Senate’s proposition to raise the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 to $10.10, an increase of 39%.
Using publicly available data from annual proxy statements and salary monitor site, NerdWallet Taxes examined the pay disparities at 100 fast-food and retail chains in the U.S. We selected 10 companies with the highest annual CEO pay and examined the hourly pay of sales associates at those companies.
CEOs Earn 874 Times More Per Hour Than a Sales Associate
In our sample of 10 retail and fast-food chains paying the highest CEO compensation, the CEO earns 874 times more per hour than a sales associate at their company.
Monday, December 1, 2014
Is Target using this policy to week out older workers for those who meet it's younger and hip demographics?
Are people losing their jobs because of this policy?
Are people not being promoted because of this policy?
Managing Generational Differences
As an STL you have a big influence over your new Executive Team Leaders, particularly during their first year. You also lead teams that are more diverse than ever before. Being able to tailor your leadership style to the needs of various generations can result in reduced conflicts, higher levels of productivity and retention.
Target's workforce includes team members from four generations. Each generation is shaped by the significant events that occurred during their formative years, the fast pace of change in the world, and increases in technological innovation. How people approach and solve problems may differ across generations. The three guidelines listed below are a framework to use when encountering differences in communication.
1. Suspend judgment. Ask yourself, "Am I making an assumption that this difference is a matter of personality, generation, or something else?"
2. Be curious. What open-ended questions could I ask this person to learn more about their perspective, background or past experience which might help us both understand where this difference is really coming from?
3. Share the Target culture. As a leader this is where you have the opportunity and responsibility to share what the expectations and culture at Target look like, and then explore ways to meet those expectations while respecting each person's individual differences.
Remembering the "Think. Listen. Customize." model introduced in "The Overview" will help you think inclusively and suspend judgement.
"We define diversity as individuality. This individuality may include a wide spectrum of attributes like personal style, age, race, gender, ethnic heritage, sexual orientation, language, physical ability, religious affiliation, family, citizenship status, socia-economic Circumstances, education and life experience. To us, diversity is any attribute that makes an individual unique that does not interfere with effective job performance.
11 - (ed.2/09)
Managing Generational Differences
A generation is an age group with shared historical experiences. Each generation has unique circumstances that may not apply to everyone in it, but give us a framework of understanding.
The following chart identifies various characteristics by generation that will help tailor your leadership style to more effectively communicate, motivate and coach across generations.
As you read through these descriptions, keep in mind they are generalizations only since each individual will vary based on personality and life experiences.
practical, Optimistic,
seek personal conditional loyalty,
given gratification,
skeptical inclusive,
to personal sacrifice generous informal,
civic and delayed minded gratification,
Work Style
hard Efficient,
seek diligent,
by the working,
service informal,
new and meaningful book,
team independent,
not impatient,
lack tenacious,
need uncomfortable budget minded,
people skills,
cynical supervision with ambiguity;
value process and structure,
slow to adapt to over results,
inexperienced at change;
avoid overly sensitive handling difficult conflict;
reluctant to do feedback,
people issues question or voice judgmental of disagreement different viewpoints
Authority! Hierarchical, Respect for Democratic; I Value autonomy and
Leadership command and power and rules are flexible; freedom control; rarely accomplishment collaboration is question authority important
Communication Formal yet personal; Somewhat formal Casual, direct Fast, casual, direct through proper through structured and electronic; and high-tech; channels network; mix of sometimes skeptical eager to please electronic and face to-
Recognition Personal Public Balance of fair Individual and public
and Reward acknowledgement acknowledgement; compensation and praise; exposure; and satisfaction for career time off development work well done advancement; opportunities money
Work/Family! IWork and family Work comes first Value a work/life Value blending
Life Balance should be kept balance personal life into separate work
Loyalty Loyal to the Loyal to the Loyal to individual Loyal to the people
organization importance and career goals involved with the meaning of work project
and the function or profession
Views on Complex and Necessary for I Practical tools for I What else is there?
Technology challenging progress and getting things done
The first step to effectively managing a multigenerational workforce is to understand how your generational experiences impact your ideas about appropriate work behaviors.
Ask yourself the following to understand how your life experience affects how you relate to others and how you need to accommodate different styles,
o What are the most important attributes of a Target team member?
o What are my views about loyalty to Target?
o What type of recognition do I feel is most important?
o What are my views on work / life balance?
Veteran (1922 - 1945)
Baby Boomer (1946 - 1964)
Generation X (1965 - 1980)
Generation Y (1981 - 2000)
® What are my views on career development?
o When do I find my leadership style to be most flexible? Least flexible?
o What is my comfort level in leading team members from various generations? What are my strengths? Developmental opportunities?
o What are SOme COmmon situations between generations that take place in my store?
o When it comes to generational differences, what are the strengths of my leadership team?
<:> How will generational differences influence my style of leadership, communication and recognition?
Managing Generational Differences
Today's workforce is more diverse than ever before with more generations interacting in the workplace. The following are tips on how to leverage the strengths and manage the opportunities of each generation. Challenge yourself to think about how you can coach,
Communicate and relate to each generation and how it impacts the OnBoarding experience of
a new ETL.
Coaching Generation Y (1981-2000):
o Acknowledge their talents and fresh perspectives
<:> Let them know you can and are willing to learn from them
o Be open to and accepting of new and different ways of working
o Coach them to reach for stretch goals
o Involve them in significant projects
o Solicit their opinions
o Acknowledge their need for connection by helping them feel part of the group
o Appeal to their sense of idealism
o Have them figure it out themselves and then check in
o Offer to be a mentor or find one for them
o Keep communication clear, direct and specific and follow up to ensure your message was understood
o Build a fun, challenging and fast-paced work environment
(;) Look for ways to combine work and play
Coaching Generation X (1965-1980):
oAcknowledge their talents and expertise
o Let them know you can and are willing to learn from them
o Use clear and specific language when communicating
o Get right to the point in a respectful way - don't sugarcoat bad news
® Allow them as much flexibility as is possible and appropriate
o Acknowledge and relate to their skepticism
o Convey that you care and support them
<:> Create a fun, relaxed work atmosphere
<:> Provide sincere, positive feedback with a focus on being specific and timely
o Offer learning in a variety of ways and move on when the point is made
o Establish the outer boundaries and allow them to operate more freely within them
o Understand and honor their need for a work/life balance as long as responsibilities and
expectations are being met
Coaching Baby Boomers (1946-1964):
o Acknowledge their experience, expertise, dedication and length of service
® Seek their help and counsel with issues involving workplace politics
o Observe and learn how they navigate charged environments and "the system"
o Utilize them as mentors and ask for their input
<;) Use them as sounding boards to test new ideas before plunging in
o Solicit their ideas on what has worked or not worked in the past and why
o Focus on relationships as well as results
o Demonstrate that you are carrying your share of the load
o Create a consensual process where they will have a voice and hear other's ideas
o Probe if you suspect conflict - they may not be direct
o Speak optimistically and look at things in terms of meeting objectives and achieving
o Focus on challenges, give them problems to solve
o Give public recognition and perks (if possible)
o Gain buy-in by inviting them to participate rather than telling them.
Coaching Veterans (1922-1945):
oAcknowledge and leverage their experience, expertise, dedication and length of service
o Pay attention to the chain and command or protocol
o Speak positively of your organization's history - the legacy they helped create
® Be direct but polite - don't disregard social graces
o Appeal to the traditional values of loyalty, hard work and family
o Use the personal touch - a handwritten note or Great Team Card
o Avoid situations where they could lose face while others are watching
o Demonstrate interest in and importance of the work they are doing
o Be patient with their approach to technology; allow time and explain the logic behind the technology
Generation Y makes up nearly 50% of the workforce in Target stores, followed by Gen X and Baby Boomers. Generation Y brings a very different perspective, set of values and work ethic to the workplace. As Generation Y continues to replace the aging workforce, it becomes more important to understand how to coach and lead them.
The chart below lists common issues encountered when working Generation Y and actions to address them.
Personal time is paramount.
Focus on the work that needs to be completed.
• Help the team member understand the need to build relationships to be successful at Target, which is difficult to do if they are not present.
• Allow schedule flexibility where possible.
Frequent requests for feedback
Provide feedback in smaller, less formal ways (in person, phone, and email).
• Provide specific, actionable feedback.
• Interact as a coach, not as an authority figure.
• Be explicit, "I am giving you feedback ... "
• Tie feedback to ways it will help them obtain more opportunities.
Technological savvy
• Provide online resources.
• Use email as one way to send recognition.
Interest in career advancement • Discuss development at each status meeting.
• Assist team member in obtaining mentors.
• Define skills for advancement and manage expectations for timing
of promotion.
DeSire for unique experiences
• Let team member know how his/her tasks fit into the big picture.
• Help team member balance doing routine tasks with those that are more challenging.
• Help team member build the crucial skill of tolerance for monotonous tasks.
• Be personable have a sense of humor while focusing on the work.
Prefer detailed instructions
• Provide basic structure and support them when they take the lead.
• Provide experiences to develop skills and intuition.
Crave rapid advancement
• Talk about which skills need to be demonstrated before being promoted.
• Present stretch assiqnrnsnts to learn and grow.
• Use new learning opportunities as rewards.
Reference: Managing Generation Y by Carolyn Martin and Bruce Tulgan
Are people losing their jobs because of this policy?
Are people not being promoted because of this policy?
ElL On Boarding Toolkit
for STLs
My Training and Developrnent
Managing Generational Differences
As an STL you have a big influence over your new Executive Team Leaders, particularly during their first year. You also lead teams that are more diverse than ever before. Being able to tailor your leadership style to the needs of various generations can result in reduced conflicts, higher levels of productivity and retention.
Target's workforce includes team members from four generations. Each generation is shaped by the significant events that occurred during their formative years, the fast pace of change in the world, and increases in technological innovation. How people approach and solve problems may differ across generations. The three guidelines listed below are a framework to use when encountering differences in communication.
1. Suspend judgment. Ask yourself, "Am I making an assumption that this difference is a matter of personality, generation, or something else?"
2. Be curious. What open-ended questions could I ask this person to learn more about their perspective, background or past experience which might help us both understand where this difference is really coming from?
3. Share the Target culture. As a leader this is where you have the opportunity and responsibility to share what the expectations and culture at Target look like, and then explore ways to meet those expectations while respecting each person's individual differences.
Remembering the "Think. Listen. Customize." model introduced in "The Overview" will help you think inclusively and suspend judgement.
"We define diversity as individuality. This individuality may include a wide spectrum of attributes like personal style, age, race, gender, ethnic heritage, sexual orientation, language, physical ability, religious affiliation, family, citizenship status, socia-economic Circumstances, education and life experience. To us, diversity is any attribute that makes an individual unique that does not interfere with effective job performance.
11 - (ed.2/09)
Page 1
Managing Generational Differences
A generation is an age group with shared historical experiences. Each generation has unique circumstances that may not apply to everyone in it, but give us a framework of understanding.
The following chart identifies various characteristics by generation that will help tailor your leadership style to more effectively communicate, motivate and coach across generations.
As you read through these descriptions, keep in mind they are generalizations only since each individual will vary based on personality and life experiences.
practical, Optimistic,
seek personal conditional loyalty,
given gratification,
skeptical inclusive,
to personal sacrifice generous informal,
civic and delayed minded gratification,
Work Style
hard Efficient,
seek diligent,
by the working,
service informal,
new and meaningful book,
team independent,
not impatient,
lack tenacious,
need uncomfortable budget minded,
people skills,
cynical supervision with ambiguity;
value process and structure,
slow to adapt to over results,
inexperienced at change;
avoid overly sensitive handling difficult conflict;
reluctant to do feedback,
people issues question or voice judgmental of disagreement different viewpoints
Authority! Hierarchical, Respect for Democratic; I Value autonomy and
Leadership command and power and rules are flexible; freedom control; rarely accomplishment collaboration is question authority important
Communication Formal yet personal; Somewhat formal Casual, direct Fast, casual, direct through proper through structured and electronic; and high-tech; channels network; mix of sometimes skeptical eager to please electronic and face to-
Recognition Personal Public Balance of fair Individual and public
and Reward acknowledgement acknowledgement; compensation and praise; exposure; and satisfaction for career time off development work well done advancement; opportunities money
Work/Family! IWork and family Work comes first Value a work/life Value blending
Life Balance should be kept balance personal life into separate work
Loyalty Loyal to the Loyal to the Loyal to individual Loyal to the people
organization importance and career goals involved with the meaning of work project
and the function or profession
Views on Complex and Necessary for I Practical tools for I What else is there?
Technology challenging progress and getting things done
Page 2
The first step to effectively managing a multigenerational workforce is to understand how your generational experiences impact your ideas about appropriate work behaviors.
Ask yourself the following to understand how your life experience affects how you relate to others and how you need to accommodate different styles,
o What are the most important attributes of a Target team member?
o What are my views about loyalty to Target?
o What type of recognition do I feel is most important?
o What are my views on work / life balance?
Veteran (1922 - 1945)
Baby Boomer (1946 - 1964)
Generation X (1965 - 1980)
Generation Y (1981 - 2000)
Page 3
® What are my views on career development?
o When do I find my leadership style to be most flexible? Least flexible?
o What is my comfort level in leading team members from various generations? What are my strengths? Developmental opportunities?
o What are SOme COmmon situations between generations that take place in my store?
o When it comes to generational differences, what are the strengths of my leadership team?
<:> How will generational differences influence my style of leadership, communication and recognition?
Page 4
Managing Generational Differences
Today's workforce is more diverse than ever before with more generations interacting in the workplace. The following are tips on how to leverage the strengths and manage the opportunities of each generation. Challenge yourself to think about how you can coach,
Communicate and relate to each generation and how it impacts the OnBoarding experience of
a new ETL.
Coaching Generation Y (1981-2000):
o Acknowledge their talents and fresh perspectives
<:> Let them know you can and are willing to learn from them
o Be open to and accepting of new and different ways of working
o Coach them to reach for stretch goals
o Involve them in significant projects
o Solicit their opinions
o Acknowledge their need for connection by helping them feel part of the group
o Appeal to their sense of idealism
o Have them figure it out themselves and then check in
o Offer to be a mentor or find one for them
o Keep communication clear, direct and specific and follow up to ensure your message was understood
o Build a fun, challenging and fast-paced work environment
(;) Look for ways to combine work and play
Coaching Generation X (1965-1980):
oAcknowledge their talents and expertise
o Let them know you can and are willing to learn from them
o Use clear and specific language when communicating
o Get right to the point in a respectful way - don't sugarcoat bad news
® Allow them as much flexibility as is possible and appropriate
o Acknowledge and relate to their skepticism
o Convey that you care and support them
<:> Create a fun, relaxed work atmosphere
<:> Provide sincere, positive feedback with a focus on being specific and timely
o Offer learning in a variety of ways and move on when the point is made
o Establish the outer boundaries and allow them to operate more freely within them
o Understand and honor their need for a work/life balance as long as responsibilities and
expectations are being met
Page 5
Coaching Baby Boomers (1946-1964):
o Acknowledge their experience, expertise, dedication and length of service
® Seek their help and counsel with issues involving workplace politics
o Observe and learn how they navigate charged environments and "the system"
o Utilize them as mentors and ask for their input
<;) Use them as sounding boards to test new ideas before plunging in
o Solicit their ideas on what has worked or not worked in the past and why
o Focus on relationships as well as results
o Demonstrate that you are carrying your share of the load
o Create a consensual process where they will have a voice and hear other's ideas
o Probe if you suspect conflict - they may not be direct
o Speak optimistically and look at things in terms of meeting objectives and achieving
o Focus on challenges, give them problems to solve
o Give public recognition and perks (if possible)
o Gain buy-in by inviting them to participate rather than telling them.
Coaching Veterans (1922-1945):
oAcknowledge and leverage their experience, expertise, dedication and length of service
o Pay attention to the chain and command or protocol
o Speak positively of your organization's history - the legacy they helped create
® Be direct but polite - don't disregard social graces
o Appeal to the traditional values of loyalty, hard work and family
o Use the personal touch - a handwritten note or Great Team Card
o Avoid situations where they could lose face while others are watching
o Demonstrate interest in and importance of the work they are doing
o Be patient with their approach to technology; allow time and explain the logic behind the technology
Page 6
Generation Y makes up nearly 50% of the workforce in Target stores, followed by Gen X and Baby Boomers. Generation Y brings a very different perspective, set of values and work ethic to the workplace. As Generation Y continues to replace the aging workforce, it becomes more important to understand how to coach and lead them.
The chart below lists common issues encountered when working Generation Y and actions to address them.
Personal time is paramount.
Focus on the work that needs to be completed.
• Help the team member understand the need to build relationships to be successful at Target, which is difficult to do if they are not present.
• Allow schedule flexibility where possible.
Frequent requests for feedback
Provide feedback in smaller, less formal ways (in person, phone, and email).
• Provide specific, actionable feedback.
• Interact as a coach, not as an authority figure.
• Be explicit, "I am giving you feedback ... "
• Tie feedback to ways it will help them obtain more opportunities.
Technological savvy
• Provide online resources.
• Use email as one way to send recognition.
Interest in career advancement • Discuss development at each status meeting.
• Assist team member in obtaining mentors.
• Define skills for advancement and manage expectations for timing
of promotion.
DeSire for unique experiences
• Let team member know how his/her tasks fit into the big picture.
• Help team member balance doing routine tasks with those that are more challenging.
• Help team member build the crucial skill of tolerance for monotonous tasks.
• Be personable have a sense of humor while focusing on the work.
Prefer detailed instructions
• Provide basic structure and support them when they take the lead.
• Provide experiences to develop skills and intuition.
Crave rapid advancement
• Talk about which skills need to be demonstrated before being promoted.
• Present stretch assiqnrnsnts to learn and grow.
• Use new learning opportunities as rewards.
Reference: Managing Generation Y by Carolyn Martin and Bruce Tulgan
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